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Zhipeng HUANG

Zhipeng Huang, Research Fellow

School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University

Tel: +86-21-65983503

Fax: +86-21-65981097

Office:Chemistry Building 230 Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China


Research Area

1. Developing low cost nanostructures for highly efficient hydrogen generation, including water electrolysis and photoelectrolysis

2. Application of nano-heterojunction in nonlinear optics.

Honors & Awards

1. Natural science prize of the ministry of education, first class, 2016


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China

2. Jiangsu high-level talents introduction plan for innovation and entrepreneurship,


1. Huang Zhipeng*, Lv Cuncai, Chen Zhongzhong, Chen Zhibo, Tian Feng, Zhang Chi*. One-Pot Synthesis of Diiron Phosphide/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanocomposite for Effective Hydrogen Generation,Nano Energy, 2015, 12, 666-674

2. Huang Zhipeng*, Chen Zhibo, Chen Zhongzhong, Lv Cuncai, Meng Hua, Zhang Chi*. Ni12P5Nanoparticles as an Efficient Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation via Electrolysis and Photoelectrolysis,ACS Nano, 2014,8(8), 8121-8129.

3. Huang Zhipeng*, Chen Zhongzhong, Chen Zhibo, Lv Cuncai, Humphrey Mark G., Zhang Chi*. Cobalt phosphide nanorods as an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction,Nano Energy, 2014,9, 373-382.

4. Han Hee,Huang Zhipeng*, Lee Woo*. Metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon and nanotechnology applications,Nano Today. 2014,9(3), 271-304(Invited review)

5. Huang Zhipeng*, Wang Chifang, Pan Lei, Tian Feng, Zhang Xuanxiong, Zhang Chi*. Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production using silicon@MoS3.Nano Energy. 2013,2(6), 1337-1346.

6. Huang Zhipeng*, Geyer Nadine*, Werner Peter, de Boor Johannes, Goesele Ulrich. Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon: A Review.Advanced Materials. 2011,23(2), 285-308. (Invited review)

7. Huang Zhipeng*, Shimizu Tomohiro, Senz Stephan, Zhang Zhang, Zhang Xuanxiong, Lee Woo, Geyer Nadine, Goesele Ulrich*. Ordered Arrays of Vertically Aligned [110] Silicon Nanowires by Suppressing the Crystallographically Preferred Etching Directions.Nano Letters. 2009,9(7),2519-2525.

8. Geyer Nadine*,Huang Zhipeng*, Fuhrmann Bodo, Grimm Silko, Reiche Manfred, Nguyen-Duc Trung-Kien, de Boor Johannes, Leipner Hartmut S., Werner Peter, Goesele Ulrich. Sub-20 nm Si/Ge Superlattice Nanowires by Metal-Assisted Etching.Nano Letters. 2009,9(9), 3106-3110.

9. Huang Zhipeng, Zhang Xuanxiong, Reiche Manfred, Liu Lifeng, Lee Woo*, Shimizu Tomohiro, Senz Stephan, Goesele Ulrich*. Extended arrays of vertically aligned sub-10 nm diameter [100] Si nanowires by metal-assisted chemical etching.Nano Letters. 2008,8(9), 3046-3051.

10. Huang Zhipeng, Fang Hui, Zhu Jing*. Fabrication of silicon nanowire arrays with controlled diameter, length, and density.Advanced Materials. 2007,19(5), 744-748.