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Zhixin TIAN

Zhixing Tian, 1000Plan Program for Young Talents

School of Chemical Sceince and Enginering, Tongji University

Tel: +86-21-65986992

Fax: +86-21-65981097

Address:Chemistry Buildding 545 1239 Siping Rd., Shanghai, China. 200092



Dr. Zhixin Tian got his bachelor degree from Hunan Normal University in 1997; and PhD degree from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003. From 2004-2008, Dr. Tian did collaborative research with Prof. Steven R. Kass at University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA); from 2008-2011, Dr. Tian did collaborative research with Dr. Richard D. Smith and Dr. Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Richland, MN, USA). In 2011, Dr. Tian was awarded “Youth 1000-talents Program” of China and started independent research at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; in 2013, Dr. Tian moved to Tongji University and began to lead the “Biological Analysis & Mass Spectrometry” group. Dr Tian’s current research interest is mainly mass spectrometry-based proteomics and glycomics. Quite a few novel methods and technologies, such as in situ interpretation algorithm of isotopic mass-to-charge ratio and envelope fingerprinting (iMEF), intact protein database search engine ProteinGoggle, protein universal pseudo-isobaric demethylation (PUPID), 2D orthogonal annotation of glycan topological structure, have been developed so far in the group.

Research Area

1.New methods & technologies for proteomics

2.New methods & technologies for glycomics

3.Comparative proteomics

4.Comparative glycomics

Honors & Awards

1.Outstanding Contribution in Public Service, Department of Chemistry, Tongji University

2.China “Youth 1000-talents Program”

3.Institute Chair Award, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

4.Excellent Youth Scientist Award, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Research of intact proteome quantitation using isotopic envelope fingerprinting and isobaric dimethyl labeling (NSFC, 21575104)


1.Kaijie Xiao, Zhixin Tian*.Top-down characterization of histone H4 proteoforms with ProteinGoggle 2.0.Chinese Journal of Chromatography. Accepted.

2.Houqin Fang#, Kaijie Xiao#, Yunhui Li, Fan Yu, Yan Liu, Bingbing Xue, and Zhixin Tian*.Intact Protein Quantitation Using Pseudo-isobaric Dimethyl labeling.Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 7198−7205.

3.Fan Yu, Houqin Fang, Kaijie Xiao, Yan Liu, Bingbing Xue, Zhixin Tian*.Mass Measurement Accuracy of the Orbitrap in Intact Proteome Analysis.Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2016, 30, 1391-1397.

4.Kaijie Xiao, Fan Yu, Houqin Fang, Bingbing Xue, Yan Liu, Zhixin Tian*.Accurate and Efficient Resolution of Overlapping Isotopic Envelopes in Protein Tandem Mass Spectra.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 14755.

5.Zhixin Tian*, Dana. R. Reed, Steven R. Kass*.H/D Exchange Pathways: Flip-flop and Relay Processes.International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2015, 377, 130-138.

6.Zhixin Tian*, Lev Lis, Steven R. Kass*.Carbon–Hydrogen Bond Dissociation Energies: The Curious Case of Cyclopropene.Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013,78(24), 12650-12653.

7.Zhixin Tian*, Steven R. Kass*.Carbanions in the Gas Phase.Chemical Reviews, 2013,113(9), 6986–7010.

8.Zhixin Tian*, et al.Interpreting Raw Biological Mass Spectra Using Isotopic Mass-to-charge Ratio and Envelope Fingerprinting.Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 27(11), 1267-1277.