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Hongying ZHAO

Hongying Zhao, Associate Professor

School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University

Tel: +86-21-65988570-8436

Fax: +86-21-65981097

Office:Chemistry Building 436 Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China


Research Area

1.The development of photo-electro-Fenton oxidation process for efficiently destructing typical environmental pollutants. The investigation and understanding of the synthetic effect between electrocatalytic and Fenton oxidation.

2.The design of novel and functional electro-Fenton cathodes with high activity, high stability and wide pH range, and their catalytic application in the wastewater treatment.

3.The 2-electron reduction of oxygen to H2O2over carbon aerogel-based catalysts


1.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Program: Efficient electrochemical oxidation of perfluorinated compounds assisted with electro-Fenton reaction and its mechanism. Project Leader: Hongying ZHAO, 2017,01-2020,12.

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Program for Young Scholars: Efficiently degrading large-scale pollutant using novel Fenton system with mesoMOFs(Fe)/Iron NPs catalysts and catalytic mechanism, Project leader: Hongying Zhao, 2013, 01~2015, 12.

3.Shanghai Chenguang Programe: Investigation on rapidly depredating refractory organic by microwave-induced oxidation method with Novel and Functional Spinel Ferrites, Project leader: Hongying ZHAO, 2012, 01~2014.01.


[22].Hongying Zhao, Ying Chen, Qiusheng Peng, Qingning Wang, Guohua Zhao*, Catalytic activity of MOF(2Fe/Co)/carbon aerogel for improving H2O2 and ∙OH generation in solar photo‒electro‒Fenton process,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2016, Accepted.

[21].Hongying Zhao, Lin Qian, Xiaohong Guan, Deli Wu, and Guohua Zhao*, Continuous bulk FeCuC aerogel with ultradispersed metal nanoparticles: An efficient 3D heterogeneous electro-Fenton cathode over a wide range of pH 3-9,Environmental Scinece & Technology, 50 (2016) 5225-5233.

[20].Hongying Zhao, Lin Qian, Huanli Lv, Yanbin Wang, and Guohua Zhao*, Introduction of core Fe3O4for enhancing photocatalytic activity of MIL-100(Fe) with designable thickness in the presence of H2O2,ChemCatChem, 7 (2015) 4148-4155.

[19].Hongying Zhao #, Guangfeng Wei #, Junxia Gao, Zhipan Liu*, Guohua Zhao*, Ultrasonic Electrochemical Reaction on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes: Reaction Pathway and Mechanism,ChemElectroChem, 2 (2015) 366-373.

[18]. Qiusheng Peng, Hongying Zhao*, Lin Qian, Yanbin Wang, Guohua Zhao*, Design of a neutral photo-electro-Fenton system with 3D-ordered macroporous Fe2O3/carbon aerogel cathode: High activity and low energy consumption,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 174 (2015) 157-166.

[17]. Huanli Lv,Hongying Zhao*, Tongcheng Cao, Lin Qian, Yanbin Wang, Guohua Zhao*,Efficient degradation of high concentration azo-dye wastewater by heterogeneous Fenton process with iron-based metal-organic framework,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical400 (2015) 81–89.

[16]. Yanbin Wang,Hongying Zhao, Guohua Zhao, Iron-copper bimetallic nanoparticles embedded within orderedmesoporous carbon as effective and stable heterogeneous Fentoncatalyst for the degradation of organic contaminants,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental164 (2015) 396–406.

[15]. Yanbin Wang,Hongying Zhao, Mingfang Li, Jiaqi Fan, Guohua Zhao, Magnetic ordered mesoporous copper ferrite as a heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of imidacloprid,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental147 (2014) 534–545.

[14].Hongying Zhao, Junxia Gao, Guohua Zhao*,Jiaqi Fan, Yanbin Wang, Fabrication of novel SnO2-Sb/carbon aerogel electrode for ultrasonic electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctanoate with high catalytic efficiency,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental136–137 (2013) 278–286.

[13].Hongying Zhao, Jinlei Cao, Huanli Lv, Yanbin Wang, Guohua Zhao*, 3D nano-scale perovskite-based composite as Fenton-like system for efficient oxidative degradation of ketoprofen,Catalysis Communications41 (2013) 87–90.

[12]. Yanbin Wang,Hongying Zhao*, Guohua Zhao*, Yujing Wang, Xiuchun Yang, Iron Compound-Based Heterogeneous Fenton Catalytic Oxidation Technology,Progress in Chemistry25 (2013) 1246–1259.

[11]. Yujing Wang,Hongying Zhao, Shuoning Cai, Yabo Wang, Guohua Zhao*, Dongming Li, Electrosorption enhanced electro-Fenton process for efficient mineralization of imidacloprid based on mixed-valence iron oxide composite cathode at neutral pH,Chemical Engineering Journal223 (2013) 524–535.

[10]. Jiaqi Fan, Guohua Zhao*,Hongying Zhao, Shuoning Chai, Tongcheng Cao, Fabrication and application of mesoporous Sb-doped SnO2 electrode with high specific surface in electrochemical degradation of ketoprofen,Electrochimica Acta94 (2013) 21–29.

[9].Hongying Zhao,Yujing Wang, Yanbin Wang, Tongcheng Cao, Guohua Zhao*, Electro-Fenton oxidation of pesticides with a novel Fe3O4@Fe2O3/activated carbon aerogel cathode: High activity, wide pH range and catalytic mechanism,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental125 (2012) 120–127.

[8]. Yujing Wang,Hongying Zhao, Junxia Gao, Guohua Zhao*, Yonggang Zhang, Yalei Zhang, Rapid Mineralization of Azo-Dye Wastewater by Microwave Synergistic Electro-Fenton Oxidation Process,Journal of Physical Chemistry C116 (2012) 7457–7463.

[7].Hongying Zhao,Simona Bennici, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Nature of surface sites of V2O5-TiO2/SO42-catalysts and reactivity in selective oxidation of methanol to DMM”Journal of Catalysis272 (2010) 176-189.

[6].Hongying Zhao, Simona Bennici, Jingxuan Cai, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Influence of the metal oxide support on the surface and catalytic properties of sulfated vanadia catalysts for selective oxidation of methanol”,Journal of Catalysis274 (2010) 259-272.

[5].Hongying Zhao, Simona Bennici, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Influence of the host oxide of sulfated-titania catalysts on partial oxidation methanol reaction”Applied Catalysis A: General385 (2010) 224-231.

[4].Hongying Zhao, Simona Bennici, Jingxuan Cai, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Effect of vanadia loading on the acidic, redox and catalytic properties of V2O5–TiO2and V2O5–TiO2/SO42-catalysts for partial oxidation of methanol”,Catalysis Today152 (2010) 70-77.

[3].Hongying Zhao, Simona Bennici, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Calorimetric study of the acidic character of V2O5–TiO2/SO42-catalysts used in methanol oxidation to dimethoxymethane”,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry99 (2010) 843-847.

[2].Hongying Zhao, Simona. Bennici, Jianyi Shen, Aline. Auroux*, “The influence of the preparation method on the structural, acidic and redox properties of V2O5–TiO2/SO42-catalysts”,Applied Catalysis A: General356 (2009) 121-128.

[1].Hongying Zhao, Simona Bennici, Jianyi Shen, Aline Auroux*, “Surface and catalytic properties of V2O5–TiO2/SO42-catalysts for the oxidation of methanol prepared by various methods”,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical309 (2009) 28-34.