Chi Zhang National Distinguished Professor School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University |
Office: |
Chemistry Building 236 Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China |
Tel: |
+86-21-65988860 |
Fax: |
+86-21-65981097 |
E-mail: |
chizhang@tongji.edu.cn |
Current Professional Appointments:
Director, China-Australia Joint Research Center for Functional Molecular Materials
Director, International Joint Research Centre for Photo-Response Functional Materials
Dean, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
Research Interests:
Nonlinear Optical and Optoelectronic Materials of Transition-Metal Supermolecules /Clusters, Organic-Inorganic Conjugated Nanohybrids, and Nano Heterojunctions.
1. Deep-ultraviolet, ultraviolet and mid-infrared second-order nonlinear optical functions of p-conjugated borate, nitrate, carbonate, non-p-conjugated phosphate, sulfate, and lone-pair electron iodate, selenite, tellurite, etc.;
2. Third-order nonlinear optical functions of transition heterothiometallic clusters, supermolecules, porphyrins-functionalized graphenes/carbon nanotubes, and nano-heterojunctions as the molecular precursors for functional materials;
3. Developing low cost nanostructures for highly efficient hydrogen generation, including water electrolysis and photoelectrolysis;
4. Photoluminescence properties of organic-inorganic functional molecules and clusters;
5.Rational design and molecular architecture of functionalized chalcogenide clusters, supermolecules, porphyrins-functionalized graphenes/carbon nanotubes, and nanoparticles/nano-heterojunctions towards optical devices.
Awards and Honors:
(1) Elected Member of German National Academy of Science and Engineering
(2) Elected Member of Academia Europaea
(3) First Prize of Technical Invention of the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering
(4) Research Achievement Award of Natural Science, Ministry of Education, China
(5) Innovation Research Award 2016 / Innovation Research Team Award 2012 / Innovation Talent Award 2010, All-China Federation of Returned Overseas, China
(6) “Eleven-Five” National Science and Technology Plan of Excellent Team Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, China
(7) Distinguished Young Scholar Award, National Natural Science Foundation, China
(8) Awardee for The Thousand Talent Program, Chinese Central Government
(9) Chief Professor of Changjiang Innovative Research Team, Ministry of Education, China
(10) Awardee for the Hundred Talent Program, Chinese Academy of Science, China
(11) Chief Professor of Key-Field Innovative Research Team of Innovative Talent Promotion Plan, Ministry of Science and Technology, China
(12) Chief Scientist of Key Research Base for Introducing Foreign Talents of Discipline to Chinese Univs., Ministry of Education & State Admin. of Foreign Experts Affairs, China
(13) National Expert of the Government Special Allowance, Chinese Central Government
(14) Awardee of the New Century "Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project", Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China
(15) Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC, United Kingdom
(16) Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, RACI, Australia
(17) JSPS Fellow, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan
(18) Humboldt Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
Research Summary:
450 peer-reviewed articles with those selected recent publications listed as follows:
1. Towards Large Second-Harmonic Generation and Deep-UV Transparency in Strongly Electropositive d0-Transition Metal Sulfates. C. Wu, C.B. Jiang, G.F. Wei, X.X. Jiang, Z.J Wang, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145(5), 3040-3046 (Supplementary Cover).
2. Isoreticular Design of KTiOPO4-like Deep-Ultraviolet Transparent Materials Exhibiting Strong Second-Harmonic Generation. C.B. Jiang, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu, Z.P. Huang, Z.S. Lin, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144(44), 20394-20399 (Supplementary Cover).
3. Additive-Triggered Polar Polymorph Formation: β-Sc(IO3)3, a Promising Next-Generation Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material. C. Wu, G.F. Wei, X.X. Jiang, Q.K. Xu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(36), e202208514.
4. Ultrawide Bandgap and Outstanding Second-Harmonic Generation Response by a Fluorine-Enrichment Strategy at a Transition-Metal Oxyfluoride Nonlinear Optical Material. T.H. Wu, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu*, Y.L. Hu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(26), e202203104 (Inside Cover).
5. A Lanthanum Ammonium Sulfate Double Salt with a Strong SHG Response and Wide Deep-UV Transparency, C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Y.L. Hu, C.B. Jiang, T.H. Wu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(6), e202115855 (HOT Paper).
6. Strong SHG Responses in a Beryllium-Free Deep-UV-Transparent Hydroxyborate via Covalent Bond Modification, C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, L. Lin, W.Y. Dan, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(52), 27151-27157 (Hot Paper).
7. A Congruent-Melting Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Vanadate Exhibiting Strong Second-Harmonic Generation, C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, L. Lin, Y.L. Hu, T.H. Wu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(41), 22447-22453 (Hot Paper).
8. Giant Second-Harmonic Generation Response and Large Band Gap in the Partially Fluorinated Mid-Infrared Oxide RbTeMo2O8F. Y.L. Hu, C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, Z.P. Huang, Z.S. Lin, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(32), 12455-12459.
9. UV Solar-Blind-Region Phase-Matchable Optical Nonlinearity and Anisotropy in a p-Conjugated Cation-Containing Phosphate. C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, H.Y. Sha, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(27), 14806-14810 (Hot Paper & Cover Picture).
10. Large Second-Harmonic Response and Giant Birefringence of CeF2(SO4) Induced by Highly Polarizable Polyhedra. C. Wu, T.H. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, H.Y. Sha, L. Lin, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(11), 4138-4142 (Cover Figure).
11. Giant Optical Anisotropy in the UV-Transparent 2D Nonlinear Optical Material Sc(IO3)2(NO3). C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, L. Lin, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(7), 3464-3468.
12. Modulation of Vomler Step for Efficient Alkaline Water Splitting implemented by Titanium Oxide Promoting Surface Reconstruction of Cobalt Carbonate Hydroxide. L. Yuan, S. Liu, S.C. Xu, X.F. Yang, J.L. Bian, C.C. Lv, Z.Y. Yu, T. He, Z.P. Huang*, D.W. Boukhvalov*, C.W. Cheng, Y.Q. Huang, C. Zhang*, Nano Energy, 2021, 82, 105732.
13. Electrical Tuning of the Fifth-Order Optical Nonlinearity of Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide. R.P. Hou, H. Li, Y.H. Sun, M.J. Diao, Y. Liang, Z.P. Huang*, J. Wang*, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(2), 2001357.
14. Reversible Electrical Tuning of the Optical Nonlinearity of Tungsten Oxide, H. Li, R.P. Hou, Y.H. Sun, M.J. Diao, Y. Liang, X. Chen, Z.P. Huang*, J. Wang, M.G. Humphrey, Z.Y. Yu, C. Zhang*, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(11), 2002188.
15. Enhancement of Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity in a Lutetium Selenite by Monodentate Anion Partial Substitution, C. Wu, L.H. Li, L. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32(7), 3043-3053.
16. AGa3F6(SeO3)2 (A = Rb, Cs): Polar Hexagonal Tungsten Oxide Materials with Strong Phase-Matchable Second Harmonic Generation Response. C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, L.H. Li, Z.S. Lin, G. Yang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32(16), 6906-6915 (Front Cover).
17. Additive Polarization of Fluorinated 5d0-Transition Metal Chromophore Inducing Optimal Combination for Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material. C. Wu, L. Lin, X.X. Jiang, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, P.S. Halasyamani, C. Zhang*, Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31(24), 10100-10108.
18. Graphene and Carbon-Nanotube Nanohybrids Covalently Functionalized by Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines for Optoelectronic Properties. A.J. Wang, J. Ye, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(17), 1705704 (Front Cover).
19. Nickel-based (Photo)electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Production. L.L. Ji, C.C. Lv, Z.F. Chen*, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(17), 1705653.
20. Recent Advances in Ultraviolet and Deep-Ultraviolet Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Crystals. C. Wu, G. Yang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2018, 375, 459-488.