| Zhixing Tian, 1000Plan Program for Young Talents
School of Chemical Sceince and Enginering, Tongji University
| +86-21-65986992
| +86-21-65981097
| Chemistry Buildding 545
1239 Siping Rd., Shanghai, China. 200092
| zhixintian@tongji.edu.cn
Dr. Zhixin Tian got his bachelor degree from Hunan Normal University in 1997; and PhD degree from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003. From 2004-2008, Dr. Tian did collaborative research with Prof. Steven R. Kass at University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA); from 2008-2011, Dr. Tian did collaborative research with Dr. Richard D. Smith and Dr. Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Richland, MN, USA). In 2011, Dr. Tian was awarded “Youth 1000-talents Program” of China and started independent research at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; in 2013, Dr. Tian moved to Tongji University and began to lead the “Biological Analysis & Mass Spectrometry” group. Dr Tian’s current research interest is mainly mass spectrometry-based proteomics and glycomics. Quite a few novel methods and technologies, such as in situ interpretation algorithm of isotopic mass-to-charge ratio and envelope fingerprinting (iMEF), intact protein database search engine ProteinGoggle, protein universal pseudo-isobaric demethylation (PUPID), 2D orthogonal annotation of glycan topological structure, have been developed so far in the group.
I Research Area
1.New methods & technologies for proteomics
2.New methods & technologies for glycomics
3.Comparative proteomics
4.Comparative glycomics
II Honors & Awards
1.Outstanding Contribution in Public Service, Department of Chemistry, Tongji University
2.China “Youth 1000-talents Program”
3.Institute Chair Award, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
4.Excellent Youth Scientist Award, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
III Academic Achievements
Projects:Research of intact proteome quantitation using isotopic envelope fingerprinting and isobaric dimethyl labeling (NSFC, 21575104)
1.Kaijie Xiao, Zhixin Tian*.Top-down characterization of histone H4 proteoforms with ProteinGoggle 2.0.Chinese Journal of Chromatography. Accepted.
2.Houqin Fang#, Kaijie Xiao#, Yunhui Li, Fan Yu, Yan Liu, Bingbing Xue, and Zhixin Tian*.Intact Protein Quantitation Using Pseudo-isobaric Dimethyl labeling.Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 7198−7205.
3.Fan Yu, Houqin Fang, Kaijie Xiao, Yan Liu, Bingbing Xue, Zhixin Tian*.Mass Measurement Accuracy of the Orbitrap in Intact Proteome Analysis.Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2016, 30, 1391-1397.
4.Kaijie Xiao, Fan Yu, Houqin Fang, Bingbing Xue, Yan Liu, Zhixin Tian*.Accurate and Efficient Resolution of Overlapping Isotopic Envelopes in Protein Tandem Mass Spectra.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 14755.
5.Zhixin Tian*, Dana. R. Reed, Steven R. Kass*.H/D Exchange Pathways: Flip-flop and Relay Processes.International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2015, 377, 130-138.
6.Zhixin Tian*, Lev Lis, Steven R. Kass*.Carbon–Hydrogen Bond Dissociation Energies: The Curious Case of Cyclopropene.Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013,78(24), 12650-12653.
7.Zhixin Tian*, Steven R. Kass*.Carbanions in the Gas Phase.Chemical Reviews, 2013,113(9), 6986–7010.
8.Zhixin Tian*, et al.Interpreting Raw Biological Mass Spectra Using Isotopic Mass-to-charge Ratio and Envelope Fingerprinting.Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 27(11), 1267-1277.