| Zhipeng Huang, Research Fellow
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
| Chemistry Building 230
Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China
| +86-21-65983503
| +86-21-65981097
| zphuang@tongji.edu.cn
I Research Area
1. Developing low cost nanostructures for highly efficient hydrogen generation, including water electrolysis and photoelectrolysis
2. Application of nano-heterojunction in nonlinear optics.
II Honors & Awards
1. Natural science prize of the ministry of education, first class, 2016
III Academic Achievements
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China
2. Jiangsu high-level talents introduction plan for innovation and entrepreneurship,
1. Huang Zhipeng*, Lv Cuncai, Chen Zhongzhong, Chen Zhibo, Tian Feng, Zhang Chi*. One-Pot Synthesis of Diiron Phosphide/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanocomposite for Effective Hydrogen Generation,Nano Energy, 2015, 12, 666-674
2. Huang Zhipeng*, Chen Zhibo, Chen Zhongzhong, Lv Cuncai, Meng Hua, Zhang Chi*. Ni12P5Nanoparticles as an Efficient Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation via Electrolysis and Photoelectrolysis,ACS Nano, 2014,8(8), 8121-8129.
3. Huang Zhipeng*, Chen Zhongzhong, Chen Zhibo, Lv Cuncai, Humphrey Mark G., Zhang Chi*. Cobalt phosphide nanorods as an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction,Nano Energy, 2014,9, 373-382.
4. Han Hee,Huang Zhipeng*, Lee Woo*. Metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon and nanotechnology applications,Nano Today. 2014,9(3), 271-304(Invited review)
5. Huang Zhipeng*, Wang Chifang, Pan Lei, Tian Feng, Zhang Xuanxiong, Zhang Chi*. Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production using silicon@MoS3.Nano Energy. 2013,2(6), 1337-1346.
6. Huang Zhipeng*, Geyer Nadine*, Werner Peter, de Boor Johannes, Goesele Ulrich. Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon: A Review.Advanced Materials. 2011,23(2), 285-308. (Invited review)
7. Huang Zhipeng*, Shimizu Tomohiro, Senz Stephan, Zhang Zhang, Zhang Xuanxiong, Lee Woo, Geyer Nadine, Goesele Ulrich*. Ordered Arrays of Vertically Aligned [110] Silicon Nanowires by Suppressing the Crystallographically Preferred Etching Directions.Nano Letters. 2009,9(7),2519-2525.
8. Geyer Nadine*,Huang Zhipeng*, Fuhrmann Bodo, Grimm Silko, Reiche Manfred, Nguyen-Duc Trung-Kien, de Boor Johannes, Leipner Hartmut S., Werner Peter, Goesele Ulrich. Sub-20 nm Si/Ge Superlattice Nanowires by Metal-Assisted Etching.Nano Letters. 2009,9(9), 3106-3110.
9. Huang Zhipeng, Zhang Xuanxiong, Reiche Manfred, Liu Lifeng, Lee Woo*, Shimizu Tomohiro, Senz Stephan, Goesele Ulrich*. Extended arrays of vertically aligned sub-10 nm diameter [100] Si nanowires by metal-assisted chemical etching.Nano Letters. 2008,8(9), 3046-3051.
10. Huang Zhipeng, Fang Hui, Zhu Jing*. Fabrication of silicon nanowire arrays with controlled diameter, length, and density.Advanced Materials. 2007,19(5), 744-748.