| Xiaoxiang Xu, 1000Plan Program for Young Talents
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
| Rm 442, Chemistry Building
Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China
| +86-21-65986919
| +86-21-65981097
| xxxu@tongji.edu.cn
Prof. Xu received a bachelor degree in Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) from University of Science & Technology of China (USTC) on 2006 and a Ph. D degree in Chemistry from University of St Andrews in United Kingdom on 2009 (Supervisor: Prof. John T.S. Irvine and Prof. Shanwen Tao). He continued his research on fuel cells and photocatalysts as a research fellow in University of St Andrews with Prof. John T.S. Irvine from 2009 to 2013. He became a visiting scholar in Department of Environmental Science & Engineering at California Institute of Technology on 2011 (Supervisor: Prof. Michael R. Hoffmann). He joined School of Chemical Science & Engineering at Tongji University on 2014.
I Research Area
Solid state chemistry, the correlation between crystal structure and optical, electrical and photocatalytic properties, materials for energy conversions and new energy materials
3.New energy materials
4.Fuel cells
II Honors & Awards
1. Awardee for Thousand Talent Youth Project (2013)
2. Membership of American Chemical Society
III Academic Achievements
Prof. Xu is the corresponding author or co-author of more than 30 scientific papers including Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, ACS Catalysis, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, ChemSusChem, Scientific Reports, Inorganic Chemistry, ChemCatChem, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Dalton Transactions etc. He is also a co-author of an international patent:“Use of metallic material having specific electrical conductivity as photoactive material in photovoltaic device, and for photocatalytic splitting of water, photoreduction of carbon dioxide and photooxidation of organic contaminants”. Patent Number: WO2013061069-A1, AU2012328159-A1, US2014231241-A1, EP2771273-A1, CA2885990-A1
1. “Preparation and investigation of new spinel type photocatalysts” NSFC Young Scientists Fund (Grant No. 21401142)
20.Lingwei Lu, Meilin Lv, Di Wang, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production over solid solutions Sr1-xBixTi1-xFexO3 (0≤x≤0.5)”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 200 (2017) 412-419
19.Meilin Lv, Yawei Wang, Lingwei Lu, Ruinan Wang, Shuang Ni, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Structural dependence of photocatalytic properties over double perovskite compound A2InTaO6(A = Sr or Ba) doped with nickel”,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2016) 21491-21499
18.Yinghao Xie, Yawei Wang, Zuofeng Chen andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Role of oxygen defects on the photocatalytic properties of Mg-doped mesoporous Ta3N5”,ChemSusChem, 9 (2016) 1403-1412(VIP Paper)
17.Xiaoqin Sun, Shuwei Wang, Cai Shen andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production over Rh doped inverse spinel compound Zn2TiO4”,ChemCatChem, 8 (2016) 2289-2295
16.Lingwei Lu, Meilin Lv, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Photocatalytic hydrogen production over solid solutions between BiFeO3and SrTiO3”,Applied Surface Science, 2016,in press
15.Xiaoxiang Xu*, Meilin, Lv, Xiaoqin, Sun and Gang Liu, “Role of surface composition upon the photocatalytic hydrogen production of Cr-doped and La/Cr-codoped SrTiO3”,Journal of Materials Science, 51, (2016), 6464-6473
14.Fangfang Wu, Meilin Lv, Xiaoqin Sun, Yinghao Xie, Hongmei Chen, Shuang Ni, Gang, Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Efficient photocatalytic oxygen production over nitrogen doped Sr4Nb2O9under visible-light irradiation”,ChemCatChem,8, (2016), 615-623
13.Yinghao Xie, Fangfang Wu, Xiaoqin Sun, Hongmei Chen, Meilin Lv, Shuang Ni, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Quinary wurtzite Zn-Ga-Ge-N-O solid solutions and their photocatalytic properties under visible light irradiation”,Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 19060
12.Meilin Lv, Shuang Ni, Zhuo Wang, Tongcheng Cao andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Cation ordering/disordering effects upon photocatalytic activity of CrNbO4, CrTaO4, Sr2CrNbO6and Sr2CrTaO6”,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 1550-1558
11.Xiaoqin Sun, Yinghao Xie, Fangfang Wu, Hongmei Chen, Meilin Lv, Shuang Ni, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Photocatalytic hydrogen production over chromium doped layered perovskite Sr2TiO4”,Inorganic Chemistry, 54 (2015) 7445-7453
10.Meilin Lv, Yinghao Xie, Yawei Wang, Xiaoqin Sun, Fangfang Wu, Hongmei Chen, Shuwei Wang, Cai Shen, Zuofeng Chen, Shuang Ni, Gang Liu andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Bismuth and chromium co-doped strontium titanates and their photocatalytic properties under visible light irradiation”,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 26320-26329
9.Hongmei Chen, Yinghao Xie, Xiaoqin Sun, Meilin Lv, Fangfang Wu, Lei Zhang, Li Li andXiaoxiang Xu*, “Efficient charge separation based on type-II g-C3N4/TiO2-B nanowire/tube heterostructure photocatalysts”,Dalton Transactions, 44 (2015) 13030-13039
8.Xiaoxiang Xu*, Yinghao Xie, Shuang Ni, Abul K. Azad and Tongcheng Cao,“Photocatalytic H2production from spinels ZnGa2-xCrxO4(0 ≤ x ≤ 2) solid solutions”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 230 (2015) 95-101
7.Xiaoxiang Xu*, Gang Liu andAbul K. Azad, “Visible light photocatalysis by in situ growth of plasmonic Ag nanoparticles upon AgTaO3”,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 3672-3678
6.Xiaoxiang Xu*, Abul K. Azad and John T.S. Irvine,“Photocatalytic H2generation from spinels ZnFe2O4, ZnFeGaO4and ZnGa2O4”,Catalysis Today, 199 (2013) 22-26
5.Xiaoxiang Xu, Chamnan Randorn, Paraskevi Efstathiou and John T.S. Irvine*, “A red metallic oxide photocatalyst”,Nature Materials,11 (2012) 7 595-598
4.Xiaoxiang Xu, Gang Liu, Chamnan Randorn and John T.S. Irvine*, “g-C3N4coated SrTiO3as an efficient photocatalyst for H2production in aqueous solution under visible light irradiation”,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 21 13501-13507
3.Xiaoxiang Xu, Shanwen Tao*, Philip Wormald and John T.S. Irvine*, “Intermediate temperature stable proton conductor base upon SnP2O7, including additional H3PO4”,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20 (2010) 26 7827-7833
2.Xiaoxiang Xu, Shanwen Tao* and John T.S. Irvine, “Proton Conductivity of Potassium doped Barium Zirconates”,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183 (2010) 1 93-98
1.Xiaoxiang Xu, Shanwen Tao* and John T.S. Irvine, “Proton conductivity of Al(H2PO4)3-H3PO4composites at intermediate temperature”,Solid State ionics, 180 (2009) 343-350