| Xiaopeng Xing, Professor
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
| Engineering Test Center 104
Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China
| +86-21-6598
| +86-21-65981097
| xingxp@tongji.edu.cn
I Research Area
1.Physical chemistry of atomic clusters in the gas phase
2.Novel mass spectroscopy techniques
3.Soft landing of atomic clusters on bulk surfaces
II Honors & Awards
III Academic Achievements
Recently, we built an instrument containing a metal cluster source, a continuous flow reactor, and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which are used to study the reactivity of sub-nano meter metal clusters. We studied the reactions between 0-1nm silver or gold clusters and O2, NO or CO. The combination of these experiments and theoretical analyses points to a surprising conclusion: the reactivity of 0-1nm of silver or gold clusters were dominated by their global electronic properties (such as spins, EA etc.), and the effects of local geometries are negligible. This conclusion provide new insights into the complicated processes in many real heterogeneous catalysts.
1.General Program of NSFC(2017-2020)-- Reactions between the IB group metal clusters (0 - 1 nm) and CO、O2、NO:from kinetic measurements to bonding energies
2.General Program of NSFC(2013-2016)-- The reactivity of composite clusters containing the Pt group metals and supporting metal oxides
3.Youth Fund Program of NSFC(2012-2014)--Kinetic measurements of the reactions between gold cluster ions and CO/O2
1. Wang, J.; Yan, Q. B.; Ma, J.; Cao, X. Z.;Xing, X. P.;*Wang, X. F. Exploring the low-lying structures of Au-n(CO)(+) (n=1-10): adsorption and stretching frequencies of CO on various coordination sites.Rsc Advances2016,6, 8248-8255.
2. Ma, J.; Cao, X. Z.;Xing, X. P.;*Wang, X. F.; Parks, J. H. Adsorption of O-2 on anionic silver clusters: spins and electron binding energies dominate in the range up to nano sizes.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2016,18, 743-748.
3. Ma, J.; Cao, X. Z.; Liu, H.; Yin, B. Q.;Xing, X. P.*The adsorption and activation of NO on silver clusters with sizes up to one nanometer: interactions dominated by electron transfer from silver to NO.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2016,18, 12819-12827.
4. Liu, H.;Xing, X. P.;*Wang, X. F.; Qu, H.; Wang, G. J.; Zhou, M. F. Co-Adsorption of O-2 and CO on Au-2(-): Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study of Au2O2(CO)(n) (-) (n=2-6).Chemistry-a European Journal2016,22, 2085-2091.
5.Xing, X. P.;Li, X.; Yoon, B.; Landman, U.; Parks, J. H. Dynamic fluxionality and enhanced CO adsorption in the presence of coadsorbed H2O on free gold cluster cations.International Journal of Mass Spectrometry2015,377, 393-402.
6. Xie, H.; Liu, Z. L.;Xing, X. P.;*Tang, Z. C. Infrared photodissociation spectroscopy of MO(CO)(5)(+) (M = Sc, Y, La and Ce) in the gas phase.Chemical Physics Letters2015,628, 66-70.
7. Liu, X.;Xing, X. P.;*Zhao, J.; Wang, X. F. Reactions of Mg and Mg-2 with SO2 in Low-Temperature Matrices: Association or Insertion?Journal of Physical Chemistry A2015,119, 610-619.
8. Xie, H.; Wang, J.; Qin, Z. B.; Shi, L.; Tang, Z. C.;Xing, X. P.*Octacoordinate Metal Carbonyls of Lanthanum and Cerium: Experimental Observation and Theoretical Calculation.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2014,118, 9380-9385.
9. Zhao, L. J.; Xie, H.; Liu, Z. L.; Wang, J.;Xing, X. P.;*Tang, Z. C. Structure and Bonding in MPb5- (M = Cu, Ag, and Au): A Combined Investigation by Theoretical Calculations and Photoelectron Imaging Spectroscopy.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2013,117, 2325-2332.
10.Xing, X. P.;Wang, J.; Xie, H.; Liu, Z. L.; Qin, Z. B.; Zhao, L. J.; Tang, Z. C. Octacoordinate metal carbonyls of scandium and yttrium: theoretical calculations and experimental observation.Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry2013,27, 1403-1409.
11.Xing, X. P.;Wang, G. J.; Wang, C. X.; Zhou, M. F. Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy of Ti+(CO2)(2)Ar and Ti+(CO2)(n) (n=3-7) Complexes.Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics2013,26, 687-693.
12. Xie, H.; Li, X. Y.; Zhao, L. J.; Liu, Z. L.; Qin, Z. B.; Wu, X.; Tang, Z. C.;Xing, X. P.*Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Imaging of Cu2H- and AgCuH- and Theoretical Calculations.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2013,117, 1706-1711.
13. Xie, H.; Li, X. Y.; Zhao, L. J.; Qin, Z. B.; Wu, X.; Tang, Z. C.;Xing, X. P.*Photoelectron Imaging and Theoretical Calculations of Bimetallic Clusters: AgCu-, AgCu2-, and Ag2Cu.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2012,116, 10365-10370.
14.Xing, X. P.; Wang, X. B.; Wang, L. S. Photoelectron Imaging of Doubly Charged Anions, -O2C(CH2)(n)CO2- (n=2-8): Observation of Near 0 eV Electrons Due to Secondary Dissociative Autodetachment.Journal of Physical Chemistry A2010,114, 4524-4530.
15.Xing, X. P.; Wang, X.B.; Wang, L. S. Photoelectron Angular Distribution and Molecular Structure in Multiply Charged Anions,Journal of Physical Chemistry A2009, 113, 945-948.(Cover)
16. Xing, X. P.; Wang, X. B.; Wang, L. S. Photoelectron Imaging of Multiply Charged Anions: Effects of Intramolecular Coulomb Repulsion and Photoelectron Kinetic Energies on Photoelectron Angular Distributions,Journal of Chemical Physics2009, 130, 074301.
17.Xing, X. P.; Wang, X. B.; Wang, L. S. Imaging Intramolecular Coulomb Repulsions in Multiply Charged Anions,Physical Review Letters2008, 101, 083003.
18. J. H. Parks,X. P. Xing(2007) “Trapped Ion Electron Diffraction: Structural Evolution of Silver and Gold Clusters” in The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces Volume 12: Atomic Clusters: from Gas Phase to Deposited, D. P. Woodruff (Ed.) Elsevier, New York
19.Xing, X. P.; Yoon, B.; Landman, U.; Parks, J. H. Structural Evolution of Au Nanoclusters: From Planar to Cage to Tubular Motifs,Physical Review B2006, 74, 165423.
20.Xing, X. P.; Danell, R. M.; Garzon, I. L.; Michaelian, K.; Blom, M. N.; Burns, M. M.; Parks, J. H. Size-Dependent Fivefold and Icosahedral Symmetry in Silver Clusters,Physical Review B2005, 72, 081405.(Rapid Communication)