| Yanan Zhang, Associate Professor
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
| Chemistry Building 436
Siping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China
| +86-21-65988570-8436
| +86-21-65981097
| yananzhang@tongji.edu.cn
I Research Area
1. The Fabrication and photoelectrocatalytic degradation mechanisms of nanocrystalline TiO2photoelectrodes with high exposed active facets
2. The specific absorption and selective photocatalysis oxidation removal of environmental pollutants based on the active facets of TiO2photoelectrodes
II Academic Achievements
1. Hierarchical (001) facet TiO2heterojunction photoanode with enhanced photoelectrocatalytic performance, National Natural Scince Foundations of China, 2013.01-2015.
2. The Fresh Talent plan of Tongji university (Incubation Programme), 2012.12-2014.12.
3. The Outstanding Youth Training plan of Tongji university, 2011.12-2013.12.
14.Zhang Ya-nan,Wenna Huang,Yajun Zhang,Bo Tang,Hanshuang Xiao,Guohua Zhao*,Fabrication and Enhanced Visible-light Photoelectrochemical Performance of Periodic Hierarchical 3D Ti-Fe-O Structure,Materials Letters,2016,168:24-27.
13.Zhang, Ya-nan,Tian, Hongyi,Zhao, Guohua ,Enhanced Visible-Light Photoelectrocatalytic Activity of {001}TiO2 Electrodes Assisted with Carbon Quantum Dots,ChemElectroChem,2015,2(11):1728-1734.
12.Ya-nan Zhang, Yefei Jin, Xiaofeng Huang, Huijie Shi, Guohua Zhao*, Hongying Zhao, Nanocrystalline {001} TiO2/carbon aerogel electrode with high surface area and enhanced photoelectrocatalytic oxidation capacity, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 130, 194–199.
11. Ya-nan Zhang, Fuqiao Nong , Huijie Shi , Shouning Chai , Xiaofeng Huang , Guohua Zhao *, Yonggang Zhang, Yalei Zhang *, Enhanced selective photoelectrochemical oxidation for small organic molecules derived from molecularly imprinted single crystalline ZnO nanorods electrodes, Electrochemistry Communications, 2013,33, 5-9.
10.Ya-nan Zhang, Guohua Zhao*, Yanzhu Lei, Peiqiang Li, Mingfang Li, Yuning Jin, Baoying Lv, Novel Construction of CdS-encapsulated TiO2 Nanotubes Arrays Lidded with ZnO Nanorods Layer and Photoelectrocatalytic Application in wide UV-Vis Region,ChemPhyChem, 2010,11, 3491-3498.
9. Ya-nan Zhang, Guohua Zhao,* Yanzhu Lei, Zhiyuan Wu, Yuning Jin, Mingfang Li, Novel Construction of CdS-encapsulated TiO2 Test Tubes Corked with ZnO Nanorods, Materials Letters, 2010, 64, 2194-2196.
8. Wu, Zhongyi ,Zhao, Guohua ,Zhang, Yajun,Liu, Jian,Zhang, Ya-Nan,Shi, Huijie,A solar-driven photocatalytic fuel cell with dual photoelectrode for simultaneous wastewater treatment and hydrogen production,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015,3 (7): 3416-3424.
7. Yajun Zhang, Guohua Zhao*, Yanan Zhang and Xiaofeng Huang, Highly efficient visible-light-driven photoelectrocatalytic selective aerobic oxidation of biomass alcohols to aldehydes, Green Chemistry, 2014, 16, 3860–3869.
6. Shouning Chai, Guohua Zhao*, Yujing Wang, Ya-nan Zhang, Yanbin Wang,Yefei Jin, Xiaofeng Huang, Fabrication and enhanced electrocatalytic activity of 3D highlyordered macroporous PbO2electrode for recalcitrantpollutant incineration, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2014, 147, 275– 286.
5. Shouning Chai, Guohua Zhao*, Yujing Wang, Ya-nan Zhang, Yanbin Wang,Yefei Jin, Xiaofeng Huang, Fabrication and enhanced electrocatalytic activity of 3D highly ordered macroporous PbO2electrode for recalcitrant pollutant incineration, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2014, 147, 275– 286.
4. Zhiyuan Wu, Guohua Zhao,* Ya-nan Zhang, Hongyi Tian, Dongming Li, Enhanced Potocurrent Responses and Antiphotocorrosion Performance of CdS Hybrid Derived from Triple Heterojunction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (under revision).
3. Shouning Chai, Guohua Zhao*, Ya-nan Zhang, Yujing Wang, Fuqiao Nong,Mingfang Li, and Dongming Li, Selective Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Recalcitrant Contaminant Driven by an n‑P Heterojunction Nanoelectrode with Molecular Recognition Ability, Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46, 10182−10190.
2. Guohua Zhao,* Yonggang Zhang, Yanzhu Lei, Baoying Lv, Junxia Gao, Ya-nan Zhang, Dongming Li, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 1754-1759.
1. Meichuan Liu, Guohua Zhao,* Yiting Tang, Zhimin Yu, Yanzhu Lei, Mingfang Li, Ya-nan Zhang, Dongming Li, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 4241-4246.