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主持国家自然科学基金4项,省部级项目5项,在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Sci., Chem. Sci.等期刊上发表论文150余篇,被Chem. Rev., Nature Mater., Nature Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater.等引用9700余次,H-index 60,授权中国发明专利27件,入选英国皇家化学会TOP 1%高被引中国作者、全球2%顶尖科学家榜单、科睿唯安全球高被引科学家。


[10] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Multielectron Redox-Bipolar Tetranitroporphyrin Macrocycle Cathode for High-Performance Zinc-Organic Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202401049.

[9] Yehui Zhang, Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Non-Metallic NH4+/H+ Co-Storage in Organic Superstructures for Ultra-Fast and Long-Life Zinc-Organic Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202316835.

[8] Da Zhang, Rong Gu, Yunxu Yang, Jiaqi Ge, Jinting Xu*, Qunjie Xu, Penghui Shi, Mingxian Liu*, Zaiping Guo*, Yulin Min*, Sulfonyl Molecules Induced Oriented Lithium Deposition for Long-Term Lithium Metal Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202315122.

[7] Da Zhang, Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, In-situ Nafion-Nanofilm Oriented (002) Zn Electrodeposition for Long-Term Zinc-Ion Batteries, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 4322-4330. Back Cover

[6] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Non-Metal Ion Storage in Zinc−Organic Batteries, Adv. Sci., 2024, 11, e202310319.

[5] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, NH4+ Charge Carrier Coordinated H-Bonded Organic Small Molecule for Fast and Superstable Rechargeable Zinc Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202309446.

[4] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Proton-Conductive Supramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Superstructures for High-Performance Zinc−Organic Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202219136.

[3] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Lewis Pair Interaction Self-Assembly of Carbon Superstructures Harvesting High-Energy and Ultralong-Life Zinc-Ion Storage, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 32, 202208049. Front Cover

[2] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu*, Anionic Co-insertion Charge Storage in Dinitrobenzene Cathodes for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc−Organic Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202208821.

[1] Tian Lv#,Mingxian Liu#(equal contribution), Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan*, Tao Chen*, Nanocarbon-Based Materials for Flexible All-Solid-State Supercapacitors, Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1705489.


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