



田志新 博士,教授,博士生导师










目前主要研究领域是基于质谱的蛋白质组学与糖基化修饰组学新技术新方法研发及应用研究。发明了生物质谱原位解析算法同位素质荷比及轮廓指纹比对,iMEF”,并基于iMEF算法发展了完整蛋白质、磷酸化多肽、N-连接糖、完整N-糖肽、糖脂、糖核酸的位点和结构特异定性定量分析新技术新方法;并在癌症潜在生物标志物的发现、生物药表征、物种糖基化草图构建等领域开展了应用研究。在Chemical Communications, Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteomics, Scientific Reports, Chemical Reviews等刊物上发表论文90余篇。


1. 生物质谱新技术新方法

2. 位点和结构特异定量糖蛋白质组学、糖脂质组学及糖核酸组学新技术新方法

3. 疾病异常糖基化修饰的发现及验证


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22074105,基于烷基酰胺化衍生反应和链接组合数据库搜索的唾液酸链接特异N-糖蛋白质组学的研发与应用研究),2021-2024,负责人,在研

2. 2020年国家重点研发计划科技冬奥重点专项-冬季项目运动训练与比赛关键技术,2021-2023,项目骨干,已结题

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21775110,基于近同重二甲基标记和同位素轮廓指纹比对的完整N-糖肽定性定量分析研究),2018-2021,负责人,已结题

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21575104,基于同位素轮廓指纹比对和同重二甲基标记的整体蛋白质组定量研究),2016-2019,负责人,已结题


1. 田志新. 基于质谱的N-糖蛋白分析进展. 中国药科大学学报,2023546):662 - 673

2. Zhiqiang Hao, Qiang Guo, Yuanyuan Feng, Zihan Zhang, Tiantian Li, Zhixin Tian, Jianting Zheng, Lin-Tai Da*, and Wenjie Peng*. Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism of a Soluble N-glycosyltransferase Allows Synthesis of N-glycans at Noncanonical Sequons. JACS Au 2023, 3, 8, 2144–2155.

3. Wenqian Yang, Yuan Jiang, Qulian Guo, Zhixin Tian and Zhigang Cheng*. Aberrant N-glycolylneuraminic acid in breast MCF-7 cancer cells and cancer stem cells. Frontier in Molecular Bioscience, 2023, 9, 1047672.

4. Ming Bi#, Zirui Zhang#, Tao Wang, Hongwei Liang*, Zhixin Tian*. A draft of human N-glycans of glycoRNA. BioRxiv, 2023, DOI: 10.1101/2023.09.18.558371.

5. Suideng Qin, Zhixin Tian*. Gain-of-glycosylation in breast multi-drug-resistant MCF-7 adenocarcinoma cells and cancer stem cells characterized by site- and structure-specific N-glycoproteomics. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1252, 341029.

6. Hailun Yang, Feifei Xu, Yun Chen*, Zhixin Tian*. Structural N-glycoproteomics characterization of cell-surface N-glycosylation of MCF-7/ADR cancer stem cells. Journal of Chromatography B, 2023, 1219, 123647 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2023.123647).

7. Hailun Yang, Zhixin Tian*. Sialic acid linkage-specific quantitative N-glycoproteomics using selective alkylamidation and multiplex TMT-labeling. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1230, 340391 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2022.340391).

8. Shanshan Qin, Suideng Qin, Zhixin Tian*. Progresses in mass spectrometry-based plant N-glycomics and N-glycoproteomics. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (invited article in memory of Prof. Pengyuan Yang). 2022, 481, 116917 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2022.116917).

9. Suideng Qin and Zhixin Tian*. Proteoform Identification with intact protein database search engine ProteinGoggle. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2022, 2500, 131-144 (DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2325-1_10).

10. Zihan Zhang, Hua Xu* and Zhixin Tian*. Exploration of quantitative site-specific serum O-glycoproteomics with isobaric labelling for the discovery of putative O-glycoprotein biomarkers. Proteomics-Clinical Applications, 2022, e2100095 (DOI: 10.1002/prca.202100095).

11. Shanshan Qin, Suideng Qin, Zhixin Tian*. Comprehensive site- and structure-specific characterization of N-glycosylation in model plant Arabidopsis using mass-spectrometry-based N-glycoproteomics. Journal of Chromatography B, 2022, 1198, 123234 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2022.123234).

12. Ming Bi, Bing Bai*, Zhixin Tian*. Structure-specific N-glycoproteomics characterization of NIST monoclonal antibody reference material 8671. Journal of Proteome Research, 2022, 21, 1276−1284 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00027).

13. Lehua Lu, Menghui Xiang, haoran Lu, Zhixin Tian* and Yihan Gao*. Progresses on quantification of nicotine content and form distribution in electronic cigarette liquids and aerosols. Analytical Methods, 2022, 14(4), 359-377 (DOI: 10.1039/d1ay01679b).

14. 毕明, 田志新*. 结构特异N-糖蛋白质组学研究进展. 质谱学报(邀请综述), 2021, 42 (5), 897-913 (DOI: 10.7538/zpxb.2021.0122, Funding N/A).

15. Yanqiu Gong#, Suidong Qin#, Lunzhi Dai*, Zhixin Tian*. The glycosylation in SARS-CoV-2 and its receptor ACE2. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (invited review), 2021, 6 (1), 396 (DOI: 10.1038/s41392-021-00809-8; Funded by NSFC 21775110 (6th) and 22074105 (7th), non-first).

16. Hailun Yang, Feifei Xu, Kaijie Xiao, Yun Chen*, Zhixin Tian*. N‑Glycoproteomics Study of Putative N‑Glycoprotein Biomarkers of Drug Resistance in MCF‑7/ADR Cells. Phenomics, 2021, 1, 269–284 (DOI: 10.1007/s43657-021-00029-8. (Funded by NSFC 21775110 and 22074105)

17. Yang Su, Jianhui Li, Wenting Zhang, Jinjing Ni, Rui Huang, Zuoqiang Wang, Sen Cheng, Yue Wang, Zhixin Tian, Qiuxiang Zhou, Donghai Lin, Wenjuan Wu, Christoph M. Tang, Xiaoyun Liu, Jie Lu, Yu-Feng Yao. Methylation of PhoP by CheR Regulates Salmonella Virulence. mBio, 2021, 12(5), e0209921 (DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02099-21).

18. Suideng Qin, Zhixin Tian*. Chapter 5: Analytical Software and Databases in N-glycoproteomics. PP 131-166 in “Mass Spectrometry–Based Glycoproteomics and Its Clinic Application” (Ed. Prof. Haojie Lu, Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., ISBN 978-1-0320-2861-3).

19. Hailun Yang, Feifei Xu, Kaijie Xiao, Yun Chen*, Zhixin Tian*. Putative N-glycoprotein markers of MCF-7/ADR cancer stem cells from N-glycoproteomics characterization of the whole cell lysate. Talanta, 2021, 232, 122437 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122437; Funded by NSFC 21775110 and 22074105)

20. Haoran Lu, Kaijie Xiao, Zhixin Tian*. Benchmark of site- and structure-specific quantitative tissue N-glycoproteomics for discovery of potential N-glycoprotein markers: a case study of pancreatic cancer. Glycoconjugate Journal, 2021, 38(2), 213–231 (DOI: 10.1007/s10719-021-09994-8; Funded by NSFC 21775110 and 22074105).


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