
温鸣,博士,教授,博士生导师 |
同济大学化学科学与工程学院 |
联系电话: |
+86-21-65982653-8544 |
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上海市四平路1239号同济大学化学馆544室 |
电子邮箱: |
m_wen@tongji.edu.cn |
2002年6月于日本Kinki University获博士学位,同年回国任同济大学副教授,2009年晋升教授;2004年入选同济大学优秀青年教师,2012年开始担任中国功能材料学会理事,2011年和2015年分别赴日本东北大学和德国柏林洪堡大学高访学术交流。主要承担“普通化学”、“现代配位化学”、“化学与社会”、“固体无机化学”等本科生和硕士研究生课程的教学任务。参加了《普通化学》、《普通化学实验》和国家“十一五” 教材《化学与社会》的编写。
从事纳米化学和纳米合金催化材料等方面的科研工作。一直致力于高效催化纳米合金的结构设计与可控制备,并将所构建的新型纳米合金催化材料应用于发展清洁能源和保护环境。特别是功能多级结构纳米合金的可控制备。针对当今化学储氢物质储量高却难以释放的瓶颈问题,利用纳米合金催化新路线,对硼烷和水合肼等系列高能化学储氢物质实现了常温常压下的可控高效快速催化裂解制氢,突破了具有超低活化能系列多级结构纳米合金的构筑。在中/碱性条件下的催化水解HER和OER方面,以及新型能源锂/钠离子电池电极材料的研究方面也有了重要进展,作为通讯联系人或第一作者在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Chemical Communications, Chemistry- A European Journal, Inorganic Chemistry, Science Bulletin, Journal of Power Source等国际重要学术期刊上面发表了近90篇有影响力的SCI研究论文;授权发明专利近40项;2013年“无机纳米结构/材料的控制合成与器件组装及其性能研究”成果获上海市自然科学三等奖。作为项目负责人承担了国家973项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上(5项)及重大培育项目、上海市科委基础研究重点科技项目和国际合作项目、上海市教委科研创新重点项目等10余项国家与省部级的重要研究课题。
1. 纳米合金催化材料的设计与构筑
2. 催化电解水产氢和产氧研究
3. 新型Li/Na离子电池研究
4. CO/CO2选择性催化转化
11.主持上海市科委国际科技合作项目“双面氧化双金属烯岛礁结构的设计制备及其电解水催化性能”(No. 21160710300)
10.主持自然科学基金(面上项目)“合金纳米棒阵列修饰的绣球碳等级孔复合体系的构筑及其电催化析氢性能研究”(No. 21771140)
9.主持973项目子课题“金属与金属件间化合物纳米晶的可控合成与催化反应”(No. 2011CB932404)
8.主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划的培育项目“催化释氢导向的多元合金/镶嵌结构高活性晶面选择性合成及其机理研究”(No. 91222103)
7.主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“多级复合纳米金属/合金异质织网结构的构筑与性能研究”(No. 51271132)
6.主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“贵金属线穿引铁系合金的纳米链结的制备及其性能研究”(No. 21171130)
5.主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“多元非晶态合金纳米管的软硬复合模板诱导合成及其性质研究”(No. 20771085)
4.主持上海市“科技创新行动计划”基础研究重点科技项目 “生物燃料电池中新型网孔结构非晶态合金酶电极的制备及其性能研究”(No. 09JC1414100)
3.主持上海市教委科研创新重点项目“性能可控多元非晶态合金纳米管的组装合成研究” (No. 10ZZ21)
(66) Yakun Tian, Tong Wu,* Yixing Luo, Qingsheng Wu, Xinglei Quan, Weiying Li, Guangfeng Wei, Maryam Bayati, Yongqing Fu and Ming Wen*,Coupling Interaction Between Precisely Located Pt Single-atoms/clusters and NiCo-Layered Double Oxide to Boost Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024,doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202405919.
(65) Long Zhao, Kexin Meng, Ming Wen*, Yibo Guo, Qingsheng Wu, Quanjing Zhu, Tao Zhou, Yongqing Fu, Enhanced Electrocatalysis by Low-Crystallinity Sub-nanometric FeCoP Sheets for Green Overall Water Splitting Powered by Renewable Electrical Energy, Nanoresearch energy, 2024, DOI:10.26599/NRE.2024.9120129.
(64) Long Zhao, Ming Wen*, Yibo Guo, Qingsheng Wu, Quanjing Zhu, Yongqing Fu, CoFePS Quaternary Alloy Sub-nanometric-sheets by Synchronously Phospho-sulfurizing CoFe-bimetallene for Boosting Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33(50), 2308422.
(63) Jian Zhou, Ming Wen*, Rong Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Yixing Luo, Yakun Tian, Guangfeng Wei, Yongqing Fu, Regulating active hydrogen adsorbed on grain boundary defects of nano-nickel for boosting ammonia electrosynthesis from nitrate, Energy & Environmental Science, 2023, 16, 2611-2620.
(62) Dandan Wu*, Jicheng Wu, Lin Fu, Runping Jia*, Qingsheng Wu, Yuanzheng Zhu, Tao Zhou, Sheng Han, Ming Wen*, 3D defect-enriched Cu/Cu2O-Al2O3 zigzag nanostructure for efficient degradation of tetracycline antibiotics, Inorgnic Chemistry Frontiers, 2024, 11, 1167 - 1176.
(61) Yixing Luo, Ming Wen, * Jian Zhou, Qingsheng Wu, Guangfeng Wei, Yongqing Fu, Highly-Exposed Co-CoO Derived from Nanosized ZIF-67 on N-Doped Porous Carbon Foam as Efficient Electrocatalyst for Zinc-Air Battery, Small, 2023, 19, 2302925.
(60) Long Zhao†, Wei Zhou†, Ming Wen*, Jiaqi Ran, Weiying Li, Qingsheng Wu, Trifunctional nano-array FeO-Cu2O/Cu to high efficiently treat antibiotic abuse pollution system including antibiotic, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes, Energy & Envioronment Materials, 2023,6, e12299.
(59) Yakun Tian, Ming Wen,* Aijian Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Zhiguo Wang, Quanjing Zhu, Tao Zhou, Yongqing Fu, Significantly Stabilizing Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Induced by Nb-doping Pt/Co(OH)2 Nanosheets, Small, 2023, 19, 2207569.
(58) Lin Fu†, Dandan Wu†, Ming Wen*, Yuanzheng Zhu, Qingsheng Wu, Tao Zhou, Yongqing Fu,2D Hetero-nanostructural Reduced-CuNiFe-Oxides with Self-produced H2O2 Fenton-like Photocatalysis for Tetracycline Degradation,Inorganic chemistry Frionter, 2023, 10, 567 - 578.
(57) Zhengwei Wang, Guodong Chen, Ming Wen,* Xutao Hu, Xing Liu, Jingsong Wei,* Qingsheng Wu, YongQing Fu, Electrochemical Strategy for High-Resolution Nanostructures in Laser-Heat-Mode Resist Toward Next Generation Diffractive Optical Elements, Small, 2022, 18, 2200249.
(56) Long Zhao, Ming Wen*, Yakun Tian, Qingsheng Wu, Yongqing Fu, A novel structure of quasi-monolayere d NiCo-bimetal-phosphide for superior electrochemical performance, Journal of energy Chemistry, 2022, 74, 203-211.
(55) Long Zhao,Ming Wen*, Hao Fang, Kexin Meng, Xiaoyu Qiu, Qingsheng Wu, Yongqing Fu, NiCoPd inlaid NiCo-bimetallene for efficiently electrocatalytic methanol oxidation,Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 10211-10219.
(54) Ran Sui†, Guangtao Zan†, Ming Wen*, Weina Li, Zihui Liu, Qingsheng Wu, YongQing Fu, Dual Carbon Design Strategy for Anodes of Sodium Ion Battery: Mesoporous CoS2/CoO on Open Framework Carbon-spheres with rGO Encapsulating, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 24, 28004-28013.
(53) Zifang Wang‡, Yakun Tian‡, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Quanjing Zhu, YongQing Fu, Integrating CoNiSe2 Nanorod-arrays onto N-doped Sea-sponge-C Spheres for highly efficient electrocatalysis of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 137335.
(52) Guangtao Zan, Tong Wu,* Zhenlei Zhang, Jing Li, Junchen Zhou, Feng Zhu, Hanxing Chen, Ming Wen, Xiuchun Yang, Xiaojun Peng, Jun Chen,* and Qingsheng Wu*, Bioinspired Nanocomposites with Self-Adaptive Stress Dispersion for Super-Foldable Electrodes, Advanced Science, 2021, 2103714.
(51) Yakun Tian,† Aijian Huang Huang, † Zhiguo Wang, Mingkui Wang, Qingsheng Wu, Yan Shen, Quanjing Zhu, Yongqing Fu, Ming Wen*, Two-dimensional Hetero-nanostructured Electrocatalyst of Ni/NiFe-layered double oxide for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Medium, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426, 131827.
(50) Dandan Wu†, Jiaqi Ran†, Shuai Zhong†, Ming Wen*, Jian Zhou, Quanjing Zhu, Qingsheng Wu, FeNi3/NiFe-Mixed Metal Oxide Heterostructured Nanosheets for Catalytic Nitro-Amination, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4(8), 7739-7745.
(49) Lin Fu†, Wei Zhou†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Weiying Li, Dandan Wu*, Quanjing Zhu, Jiaqi Ran, Panpan Ren, Layered CuNi-Cu2O/NiAlOx nanocatalyst for rapid conversion of p-nitrophenol to p-aminophenol, Nano Research, 2021, 14(12), 4616-4624.
(48) Wei Zhou†, Lin Fu†, Long Zhao†, Xiaojuan Xu, Weiying Li*, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Novel core-sheath Cu/Cu2O-ZnO-Fe3O4 nanocomposite with high-efficiency chlorine-resistant bacteria sterilization and trichloroacetic acid degradation performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 9, 10878-10890.
(47) Weixi Yan†, Shipei Chen†, Qingnan Wu, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, and Shuhong Yu*,A Multicore Close-Packed Ultrathin-MnO2@N-doped Carbon-Gear Yolk-Shell Micro-Nanostructures as Highly Efficient Sulfur Hosts for Li-S Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A., 2021,9, 2276-2283.
(46) Yakun Tian†, Yuxi Zhang†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Long Zhao, Mingkui Wang, Yan Shen, Zhiguo Wang*, and Yongqing Fu, Nanostructured Ni2SeS on Porous-Carbon Skeletons as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic Medium, Inorganic chemistry, 2020, 59, 6018-6025.
(45) Qingnan Wu, Ming Wen*, Weixi Yan, Qingsheng Wu, Hezhong Wang and Yongqing Fu. Carbon nanotubes coated with NiOOH-Ni converted from Ni(HCO3)2-Ni nanoflakes for electrochemical energy storage, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(2), 1713-1721.
(44) Dandan Wu†, Runping Jia†, Ming Wen*, Shuai Zhong, Qingsheng Wu, Shuhong Yu, YongQing Fu, Ultrastable PtCo/Co3O4-SiO2 nanocomposite with Active Lattice Oxygen for Superior Catalytic Activity towards CO Oxidation, Inorganic chemistry, 2020, 59(2), 1218-1226.
(43) Weina Li†, Jiaqi Li†, Jiahao Wen, Ming Wen*, Shipei Chen, Qingsheng Wu, and Yongqing Fu, Hollow Nanostructure of Sea-sponge-C/SiC@SiC/C for stable Li+-storage capability, Science Bulletin, 2019, 64, 1152–1157.
(42) Weixi Yan†, Qingnan Wu†, Shipei Chen, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Nicola Pinna, A Superior Sodium/Lithium-ion Storage Material: Sea-sponge-C/Sn2Fe@GO, Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58 (12), 7915-7924.
(41) Yuxi Zhang†, Hao Fang†, Yanqiao Zhang, Ming Wen*, Dandan Wu, Qingsheng Wu, Active Cobalt Inducing High Catalytic Performances of Cobalt Ferrite Nanobrushes for the Reduction of p-Nitrophenol, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 535,499-504.
(40) Hao Fang, Jinhu Yang, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Nanoalloy Materials for Chemical Catalysis, Advanced Materials, 2018, 1705698.
(39) Shipei Chen†, Ke Xing†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Hierarchical assembly and superior sodium storage properties of sea-sponge structural C/SnS@C nanocomposite, Journal of Materials Chemistry A., 2018, 6, 7631 - 7638.
(38) Shipei Chen†, Qingnan Wu†, Yafei Fan, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Yi Cui, Nicola Pinna, Sea-sponge-like Structure of nano-Fe3O4 on Skeleton-C with Long Cycle Life under High Rate for Li-ion batteries , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 19656−19663.
(37) Xin Xiao, Dekang Huang, Yong Qing Fu, Ming Wen, Xingxing Jiang, Xiaowei Lv, Man Li, Lin Gao, Shuangshuang Liu, Mingkui Wang, Chuan Zhao, Yan Shen*, Engineering NiS/Ni2P Heterostructures for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Splitting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 5, 4689-4696.
(36) Chen Gu†, Dandan Wu†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, A Freestanding SiO2 Ultrathin Membrane with NiCu Nanoparticles Synchronous Assembly on Its Double-surfaces for Effectively Catalyzing Nitro-amination Reaction, Dalton Transaction, 2018, 47, 7083 - 7089.
(35) Hao Fang†, Yuting Chen†, Ming Wen*, Hanxing Chen, and Qingsheng Wu, 3D radial SnNi nanostructure with SnNiPt patches: towards enhanced electrocatalysis performance, Nanoresearch, 2017, 10(11), 3929-3940.
(34) Dandan Wu, Ming Wen*, Chen Gu, Qingsheng Wu, 2D-structured NiFe/CeO2 Basic-Sites Enhanced Catalyst via In-Situ Topotactic Reduction for selectively catalyzing the H2 generation from N2H4•H2O, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2017, 9 (19), 16103-16108.
(33) Dandan Wu,† Yanqiao Zhang,† Ming Wen,* Hao Fang, and Qingsheng Wu, Fe3O4/FeNi Embedded Nanostructure and Its Kinetic Law for Selective Catalytic Reduction of p-nitrophenyl compounds, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 9(56), 5152-5157.
(32) Shipei Chen, Qingnan Wu, Ming Wen,* Chenxiang Wang, Qingsheng Wu, Jiahao Wen, Meng Zhu, Yansen Wang, A Tubular Sandwich-structure of CNT@Ni@Ni2(CO3)(OH)2 with Superior Electrochemical Performances for Hybrid Supercapacitor, The Jornal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (18), 9719-9728.
(31) Chengxiang Wang, Jie Wang, Hanxing Chen, Ming Wen,* Ke Xing, Shipei Chen, Qingsheng Wu, An Interlayer Nanostructure of rGO/Sn2Fe-NRsArray/rGO with High Capability for Lithium Ion Battery Anodes, Science China Materials, 2016, 59(11):927-937.
(30) Dandan Wu, Ming Wen,* Xijian Lin, Qingsheng Wu, Chen Gu and Hanxing Chen, NiCo/NiO-Co3O4 Ultrathin Layered Catalyst with Strong Basic Sites for Highly Performance H2 Generation from Hydrous Hydrazine, Journal of Materials Chemistry A., 2016, 4, 6595-6602.
(29) Xiaomeng Li, Ming Wen*, Dandan Wu, Qingsheng Wu, Jiaqi Li, Pd-on-NiCu nanosheets with enhanced electro-catalytic performances for methanol oxidation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 15(685), 42-49.
(28) Hao Fang, Ming Wen,* Hanxing Chen, Qingsheng Wu, Graphene Stabilized Ultra-small-sized CuNi Nanocomposite with High Activity and Recyclability toward Catalysing the Reduction of Aromatic Nitro-Compounds, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 536-542.
(27) Hanxing Chen, Teng Tu, Ming Wen*, and Qingsheng Wu*, Assembly Synthesis of Cu2O-on-Cu Nanowires with Visible-light Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 15645-15652.
(26) Zaidi Huang, Ming Wen*, Dandan Wu, Qingsheng Wu, A Special Ag/AgCl Network-nanostructure for Selective Catalytic Degradation of Refractory Chlorophenol Contaminants, RSC Advance, 2015, 2015, 5, 12261 – 12267.
(25) Zaidi Huang, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Hao Fang, Hanxing Chen, Fabrication of Cu@AgCl Nanocables for their Enhanced Activity toward the Selective Catalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 460, 230-236.
(24) Hanxing Chen, Ming Wen*, Zaidi Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Jiali Liu, Teng Tu, Construction of Cu@ZnO Nanobrushes Based on Cu Nanowires and Their High-performance Selectivity-degradation for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2015, 3(2), 600-607.
(23) Ming Wen*, Bo Zhou, Hao Fang, Qingsheng Wu, Shipei Chen, A Novel Phase-structural High-efficiency Anode-catalyst for Methanol Fuel Cells: α-(NiCu)3Pd Nanoalloy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(46), 26713-26720.
(22) Hanxing Chen, Linyi Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Chenxiang Wang, A branched-dumbbell Pt/NiFe nanostructure and its high catalytic reduction activity for nitro-aromatic compounds, Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 60, 322-327.
(21) Linyi Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Dandan Wu, Fabrication and Catalytic Activity of FeNi@Ni Nanocables for the Reduction of p-nitrophenol, Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43(21), 7924-7929.
(20) Yange Wu, Ming Wen*, Hao Fang, Qingsheng Wu, Ni/Graphene Nanostructures and Its Electron-enhanced Catalysis Hydrogenation Reaction for Nitrophenol, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(12), 6307-6313.
(19) Ming Wen*, Qingnan Wu, Jin Peng, Qingsheng Wu, Chenxiang Wang, Fabrication of Pt-loaded NiCo nanochains with superior catalytic dehydrogenation activity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 416, 220-226.
(18) Bo Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, C-isolated Ag-C-Co Sandwich Sphere-nanostructures and Their Highly Activity Catalysis Induced by Surface Plasmon Resonance, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 8602-8608.
(17) Ming Wen*,Yuzhen Sun, Xiaomeng Li, Qingsheng Wu, Qingnan Wu, Chenxiang Wang, Ru-capped/FeCo Nanoflowers with High Catalytic Efficiency toward Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 243, 299-305.
(16) Jin Peng, Ming Wen*, Chenxiang Wang, Qingsheng Wu, Yuzhen Sun, Microwave-assisted synthesis and high dechlorination activity of magnetic FeNi broom-like nanostructures, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(24), 8667-8673.
(15) Ming Wen*, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu, Juyang Zhang, Qingnan Wu, Chenxiang Wang, and Yuzhen Sun, Construction of NiCo-Pt Nanopolyhedrons Inlay-structures and Their Highly Efficient Catalysis Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation toward Ammonia Borane, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 232, 86-92.
(14) Shiqing Zhou, Ming Wen*, Na Wang, Qingsheng Wu*, Qingnan Wu, and LiYa Cheng, Highly Active NiCo Alloy Hexagonal Nanoplates with Crystal Plane Selective Dehydrogenation and Visible-light Photocatalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22 (33), 16858-16864.
(13) Ming Wen*, Baolei Sun, Bo Zhou, Qingsheng Wu*, Jin Peng, Controllable Assemblly of Ag/C/Ni Magnetic Nanocables and Its Low Activation Energy Dehydrogenation Catalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 11988-11993.
(12) Baolei Sun, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Jin Peng, Oriented Growth & Assembly of Ag@C@Co Pentagonalprism Nanocables and Their Highly Activity Selected Catalysis along Edges for Dehydrogenation; Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 2012, 22,2860-2866.
(11) Ming WEN*, MingZhu Cheng, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu,Na Wang, Linyi Zhou, Synthesis of Reusable NiCo@Pt Nanoalloys From Icosahedron to Spheres By Element Lithography and Their Synergistic Photocatalysis for Nano-ZnO Toward Dye Wastewater Degradation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012,116, 11702-11708.
(10) MingZhu Cheng, Ming Wen*, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu, Na Wang, LinYi Zhou, Solvothermal Synthesis of NiCo Alloy Icosahedral Nanocrystals, Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51 (3), 1495–1500.
(9) Ming Wen*, Xiangguo Meng, Baolei Sun, Qingsheng Wu,and Xiaolan Chai, Length-controllable Catalyzing-synthesis and Length-corresponding Properties of FeCo/Pt Nanorods, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50(19), 9393-9399.
(8) Yijun Chen†, Ming Wen†, Qingsheng Wu*, Stepwise Blossoming of BiOBr Nanoplate-assembled Microflowers and Their Visible-light Photocatalytic Activities, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3035- 3039.
(7) Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, Yi Jin, MingZhu Cheng, Qingsheng Wu, Controlled Fabrication of 0 & 2D NiCu Amorphous Nano-alloys by the Cooperation of Hard-Soft Interfacial Templates, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 342, 229-235.
(6) Feng Zhang†, Ming Wen†, Mingzhu Cheng, Di Liu, Anwei Zhu, Yang Tian*,Pt-on-NiCo Nanostructures with Facilitated Electrocatalytic Activities for Sensitive Determination of Intracellular Thiols with Long-Term Stability, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2010, 16(36), 11115-11120.
(5) Fan Zhang, Ming Wen*, Mingzhu Cheng, Qingsheng Wu*, Xiangguo Meng, Inducing Nanolayers-assembly of FePtDy 1D Superstructure and Its Induced Visible Light Photocatalysis Effect for TiO2, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 7661 - 7668.
(4) Ming Wen*, Dan Yang, Qing-sheng Wu, Ru-ping Lu, Yuan-zheng Zhu and Fan Zhang, Inducing Synthesis of Amorphous EuFePt Nanorods and Their Comprehensive Enhancement of Magnetism, Thermostability and Photocatalysis, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 219-221.
(3) Ming Wen, Haiqing Liu, Feng Zhang, Yuanzheng Zhu, Di Liu, Yang Tian*, Qingsheng Wu, Amorphous FeNiPt nanoparticles with tunable length for electrocatalysis and electrochemical determination of thiols, Chemical Communications, 2009, 30, 4530-4531.
(2) Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, Fan Zhang, Qingsheng Wu, Nanostructures of Ni and NiCo Amorphous Alloys Synthesized by a Double Composite Template Approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(15), 5960-5966.
(1) Ming Wen*, Yuan-zheng Zhu, Qing-sheng Wu, Fan Zhang, Tao Zhang, Composition-depended Assembly and Magnetic Specificity of (Fe1-xNix)0.5Pt0.5 Amorphous Nanothreads Through Substitution of Ni for Fe in FePt System, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(46), 19883-19890.