题 目:Surface Engineering of Metal Oxide Nanostructured Electrodes: Push High-rate Performance and ultrastability
报告人:新加坡南洋理工大学副教授FAN, Hong Jin (范红金)
时 间:2014年12月15日(周一)上午10:00‒11:30
地 点:化学馆241室
介 绍:
The performance of electrochemical energy storage devices relies largely on a scrupulous design of nanoarchitectures and smart hybridization of active materials. Metal oxides are widely applied as electrode materials for both batteries and psuedocapacitors because of their high capacity. However their poor conductivity and stability lower their rate performance and capacity stability over long cycles. More recently, hybridization of inorganic nanomaterials with carbon becomes an effective approach to enhance the rate performance and cycling stability.
Our group has been actively working on core-shell integrated electrode materials directly on various conductive substrates for both supercapacitors and batteries. In this talk I will present our recent results on vanadium oxide and copper oxides nanorods that are directly grown onto 3D graphene foams. To further enhance their electrochemical performance, the nanorods are surface engineered by coating a thin layer of conductive polymers or carbon nanostructures dots. Demonstration will be made to supercapacitors, Li-ion and Na-ion battery electrodes, all exhibiting improved capacity, fast (up to a few min) charging and discharging capability, and ultrahigh cycling stability (up to 40 000 cycles).
范红金目前为新加坡南洋理工大学副教授。1999年获吉林大学学士学位,2003年获新加坡国立大学博士学位,其后分别在德国马普研究所和英国剑桥大学任博士后研究员。2008年8月加入南洋理工大学。曾研究过ZnO纳米线的有序阵列合成和发光性质,柯肯达尔效应(Kirkendall effect)运用于纳米管的合成和固相反应,三维纳米树枝状构造和应用于赝电容。目前主要从事氧化物纳米材料在光解水和电池方面的应用,和半导体纳米线光学性质方面。已发表SCI收录论文130多篇,他引5000多次,H因子38。现任Nanotechnology, Scientific Reports编委,Materials Research Bulletin 副主编 。